"When you jump for joy, beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet." (Stanislaw Lec)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Art and Life

What is art? This is a question not many people ask themselves unfortunately. I myself haven't thought of it until someone mentioned it to me a few days ago. I realized that moment that I've spent most of my time thinking about things that more often than not prove to be insignificant in one way or another, instead of paying attention to what is really important. You might find it hard to believe, but that's what art teaches every one of us: seeing what truly matters. Even at this moment, while I'm writing this post, I ask myself what is the meaning of art, and especially, what role it plays in our lives.
When I think of art, I think of beauty. When I look around me, I see ugliness, I see boredom, hatred, I see people walking down the streets looking at their feet, and when they dare to look up, I see nothing but sadness in their eyes. When I look at any of Claude Monet's paintings, or listen to Bach's Air on the G String. or when I read one of Mihai Eminescu's poems I feel I have something to live for and I can almost feel the "touch" of beauty on my skin. Because art gives a sense of dignity to our lives, creating a bouquet of the most wonderful things on Earth.
I once made the mistake of wondering if I would be able to really appreciate and understand a work of art without knowing the artist's background, what school he attended, or what other works he conceived. I finally learned that you cannot look at a painting and filter the image through your mind, but through your soul. Indeed, a work of art can only be approached by opening your soul in front of it, so you don't have to be an expert to enjoy it. It is also true that you cannot understand art more than you understand your own self. A close-minded person will have a limited view on what he sees and a barbarian will treat art with indifference.
I haven't appreciated art as I should have, I am not an artistic person, but I refuse to kill it. People kill art every day, little by little, but I refuse to believe that someday, there will be nothing left of it. Because if there's no art, there's no beauty, hence no life. I would like to say thank you to all the people who still create/appreciate art. I have the great honor of knowing an artist who is a very dear friend of mine as well, and whom I deeply admire and respect. His manuscript inspired me and made me think of everything I have written here, so thank you for keeping us alive.
Here's a song that makes my heart beat faster every time I listen to it. It truly is a work of art.

1 comment:

  1. nu o sa scriu in engleza pentru ca nu sant asa bun la scris. in schimb o sa scriu in romana. vreau doar sa iti spun ca esti sustinuta cel putin de o singura persoana in ceea ce faci si anume eu. intradevar arta si tot ce este frumos ar trebui sa formeze amprenta culturii asupra romaniei in schimb toate astea sant ucise de niste minti inchise si oameni indoctrinati de un sistem defectuos. te sustin in ceea ce faci si iti dau dreptate chiar daca deocamdata 'ne luptam cu morile de vant' macar sper sa poti schimba cateva opinii despre ce se petrece in romania. tineo tot asa!
